How to advertise online effectively?

When you tackle a web project, you also have to consider the advertising investment needed to promote what you want to get across on the internet. Whether it's an e-commerce site, a site that provides online services, or simply a communication and broadcasting tool, you need to calculate the expenses to improve online advertising performance.

Considering the amount of money to invest in online advertising

To decide how much money to spend, you will have to take into account your financial situation. This is where you make a decision on how much to spend. It should be proportional to the results you want to achieve. When you decide to set a budget for online promotion, you have to choose from a wide range of tools. To know which of them is the most appropriate, it is best to consider the details.

Types of advertising delivery channels

There are different types of web channels that are essential to get your advertisement online, so you can distinguish them: There are search engines (mainly Google and YouTube); specialized websites and blogs; industry portals; editorial portals; social networks (considering the most popular ones such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter with their respective particularities). In addition to the choice of the place to launch the advertisement, it is good to consider the type of advertisement you want to make: For text ads (for example, through Google Adwords, you can make ads appear on the search engine related to the user's questions); as for banners and graphic elements (you can make banners of different sizes and types, or even entire backgrounds called skins); for video ads, you can run them on the YouTube channel, on social networks or through websites.

The procedure to follow to launch advertising on the web

The methodology to approach the web with advertising is done in several ways. You can actually consider different types of campaigns: There is search engine advertising (SEA) which in some cases is called search engine marketing (SEM). This is essentially advertising via search engines. Specific campaigns are generated on ads that are activated when a user performs a specific search in the engine. Then there's Display Campaign, which leverages the specific channels and networks of participating sites to run banners, remarketing/targeting, affiliate marketing and real-time bidding activities. Next is Social Campaigning, which is the sponsorship of content through social networks, useful for generating new fans, delivering specific ads about particular interests or improving attendance at events that might interest you. Finally, the price comparison, through which you can offer your products in real time, through aggregators that compare what you sell with other sites that sell the same products.

Taking into account the existence of several costs

For each of these methodologies, there are different cost models through which it is possible to choose the one that best suits the type of sale you want to make or contact you want to generate: Cost Per Click (CPC) where we define a maximum cost that we are willing to pay for a specific ad or campaign and only when the user expresses interest through a click. There is also the cost per acquisition (CPA) when the user performs a certain action on a specific site or on an ad, you pay a certain cost. You can also define this cost as a value based on the performance of the advertising activity performed. As for the cost per visitor (CPV), it represents the cost of a new visit (Cost per Visit) acquired through an ad. Don't forget the cost per view (CPV), which represents the cost of each new view of the site or the ad itself. The cost per thousand (CPM) is the cost incurred per thousand impressions on the site where this marketing action is conducted. Optimizing your business with an organized and measured ADV strategy often leads to significant results. Even better if these actions are coordinated with other positioning activities based on content strategy, influencer marketing and others, useful to spread the company's presence on the web. In any case, it is essential to act in a coordinated and continuous way, analyzing the results of each intervention, evaluating the performance and focusing on what is most appropriate to use in relation to the objectives to be achieved and the results you want to obtain.
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